
Visual Discourse Analysis Matrix

Page history last edited by Randall Monty 12 years, 9 months ago

In our last class meeting, we prepared for our next major writing assignment, an analysis of a visual artifact related to your discourse community. You should have your artifact with you today. Using that artifact, create a graphic organizer that will allow you to respond to the following prompt questions. You can be as creative as you like in constructing this assignment, and you may use whatever resources happen to be at your disposal - just remember that this assignment is due by the end of class.


(You'll notice that the prompt questions are based on the Barthes excerpt, "Rhetoric of the Image.")


  • What discursive genre does your artifact belong to? How do you know?
  • What specific item(s) is your artifact selling/presenting?
  • In as much detail as possible, describe the visual aspects or your artifact. (Kind of like the first Barthes paragraph.)
  • Are any captions presented along with the visual? What do they say? Does the linguistic message refer directly to the image, or are they meant to juxtapose one another? 
  • As best as you can, identify the sign, signifier, and signified of the "pure image." 
  • Who might be the intended audience for your artifact? What messages are they getting from the artifact? What does the audience need to know in order to understand these messages?
  • Barthes mentioned two types of "iconic messages," the "coded" and a "non-coded." Can you locate these within your article?




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