Abstract - are summaries to give readers the gist of a report or presentation.
Accent - The unique speech patterns, inflections, choice of words; that identify a particular individual according to culture, context, experiences, background.
Annotated Bibliography - Submitting and describing publication/author information; evaluating the cited sources in either a descriptive or evaluative stance. Often adding personal opinions on the topic about findings and experiences while researching and exploring the sources.
Audience - People you are trying to reach within the context of the discourse you present.
Context - The situation that a discourse took place. Consider times, place, and space.
Design - how should what you're presenting should look; visual layout of how you're presenting your information; effects the way it's perceived; content should lead to design
Discourse -Modes, genres, and means of communication,
Discourse Community - A group with a common interest, that moderates, shares ideas, assumptions (how the group sees the world), purpose, weaknesses & strengths, goals, language & vocabulary.
Ethos - Evaluating the credibility of discourse within a situation; depends on the particular community and context
Intertextuality - Concept of all discourses being part of a single network; one text influencing the others; looking for where the original concept came from; adaptation;
Evaluation -an educated criticism based on a knowledgeable and unbiased assessment.
Genre - type of discourse, each with specific sets of rules and expectations for how to compose or write
Jargon -
Lab Report - a report on experiments done, detailing the procedure, methods, materials used and results of the process
Logos - the most important of the three persuasive appeals, depending upon context and community. The "what and why" of the photo and/or discourse; organization, the order that you present your argument
Media - what method are you going to use to get the message; print, spoke, electronic; way of communicating; genres in action
Pathos - emotional connection by experience or a work of art, that announces feelings or pity, sympathy, tenderness or sorrow, and brings a person's self esteem down; calls on personal experience
Purpose - depends on what you are writing for. Ex: Inform, discuss, entertain, persuade
Rhetoric -
Rhetorical Situation -
Stance - personal attitudes or feelings that a speaker has or writes about the information in a proposition; POV, perspective; personal, how you present in idea; stance can be changed to achieve different feedback and results; adapting yourself to the situation
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