
Opening Assignment

Page history last edited by Randall Monty 12 years, 9 months ago

W7D2&3: If you haven't completed it yet...

While you're working on your assignment, or after class, listen to a Lexicon Valley podcast. Your choice!


Post your reaction/response in the comments section below. Respond to your peers' comments for extra credit.




W7D1: 04.30.2012



Each group will be assigned an image from this campaign, which they will assess for ethoslogos, and pathos. For your assessment, you will briefly explain to us how the particular image employed each of these rhetorical devices.


W6D1: 04.23.12

Review submission record of Visual Analysis and last Friday's opening assignment.

  • Turn these assignments in by Friday, April 27 for up to 70% credit.


W5D3: 04.20.12

A lesson from Accessibility Rhetoric on "Captioned Hypnosis"


Read and watch the above-linked article. Send a brief email memo responding to the following questions: Do you have a preference? Why? How important is consistency when captioning a recurring sound such as the hypno-sound?


Submit your response by 11:30 PM tonight.


W5D2: 04.18.12

Quiz: Barthes "Rhetoric of the Image"

Working individually, respond to two of the following four questions. Your answers should completely address all points of each question. Your total should response should be no less than one page in length, depending upon the size of your writing (~300 words). You have until 3:20 to complete this assignment. Remember, since this is an in-class writing opportunity, you will not be heavily assessed on lower-order concerns.


  • What does "quasi-tautological" mean? Why is this concept important to people creating and consuming discourse of advertisement?
  • What role does culture play in the understanding and analysis of visual discourse?
  • What are the types of linguistic messages? How do they function separately as well as collectively? 
  • What are the types of iconic messages? How do they function separately as well as collectively? 



W5D1: 04.16.12


Today's opening assignment will pertain to the Roland Barthes excerpt from "Rhetoric of the Image." Here's what you'll need to do:

  1. Compose a brief question that you have about the article. This question shouldn't be a quiz question that you know the answer to, rather, it should be something about the article that you don't fully understand. (Individual, 5 mins)
  2. Exchange your questions with a nearby peer, and attempt to answer each other's questions in writing. (Individual, 5 mins)
  3. Share and discuss your responses and ideas with your peer. (Paired, 5 mins) 
  4. If questions remain, present your concerns to the class. (Whole group, 5 mins, or until necessary)



1. What is quasi-tautological? 

  • Redundant, logical, non-coded.  The image represents the actual thing it is an image of.

1a. Why is that important to the essay? 

  • Because that is the third level/kind of message in the advertisement (non-coded visual message).

2. What is the purpose of the essay (or why did he write it)? 

  • To analyze the specific ways in which an image functions and conveys meaning. 
  • To show how a person's culture influences their understanding of visuals/images.

3. Why is the article so redundant?

  • His purpose is to show with great detail the way that images function rhetorically.  In order to do so, he has to give specific examples, even ones that seem obvious.

4. Who was the intended audience?

  • This was written for an academic audience
  • French people
  • Anyone interested in how advertising works

5. How many linguistic messages were there?

  • Twofold: Denotational (literal/definitional) and Connotational (associated)
  • But counted as one message

6. Why does he choose such complicated language to convey his message?

  • He is writing for an academic audience

7. Why is he studying a French advertisement about Italian food?

  • It highlights how cultural stereotypes of Italy are used to sell Italian food to French or non-Italian audiences.  For example, Italians might draw on American stereotypes to advertise or sell American food (BBQ).

8. What are the examples of intertextuality within the article?

  • This excerpt is more of a close reading and does not draw too heavily on other voices/authors/texts (except for the object of analysis).



W4D1: 04.09.12


W3D2: 04.04.12






W3D1: 04.02.12


This cartoon is about Genre Blindness. What is it?


W2D2: 03.28.12

For homework, you were to read about Abstracts, Annotated Bibliographies, Evaluations, and Lab Reports. Which of these genres is most useful to your academic field of study? Why is that? Compose a short response in your notes, and be prepared to share it with your peers.


W2D1: 03.26.12

What is your favorite genre of music? What are the parameters of this genre? What are the discursive practices of people belonging to the discourse community that is associated with this genre? What about this genre appeals to you? Write a brief response, and be prepared to share your results.


W1D3: 03.23.12

What's Up with the Colon?


W1D2: 03.21.12

Review your notes from Monday, be prepared to discuss your definitions.


W1D1: 03.19.12

Diagnostic Writing Opportunity: What does it mean to be a part of a group or community? How does one define these terms? What are some groups and/or communities that you belong to? 10 mins.

Comments (7)

hazryus@... said

at 4:27 pm on May 2, 2012

I listened to "A bundle of faggots". They speak about how the word "faggot" is or can be perceived as a word that under no circumstances can be used or should be used. However, although there are times when the word is used, it isnt directed to base the intention for labeling one as a gay or a homosexual. For example, some people use it as a name-calling term but without trying to call someone gay or a homosexual. I.E. if a friend chickens out of hitting on a girl, i would call him a "fag", but im not calling him gay or mean to insult him as such. The word has evolved from a serious offence, to a more harmless word like "jerk". The guys in the podcast discuss how the word has adapted from defining a bundle of sticks, to a gay man, to a benign slur. A more generalized insult without a homophobic context. the intention of the word depends on who is using it, and how. however, there are those that believe that the word should still be avoided or not used under any circumstances. i disagree, the word along with any other, can be morphed or manipulated as people see fit. eventually one persons meaning or intention, will catch on. im not implying that i encourage people to make their own meaning for whatever word just for the fun of it, but im saying they have the right simply because we have the right to our own opinion.

Gina said

at 4:28 pm on May 2, 2012

"A needle pulling thread"- This podcast was actually really interesting because alot of people use the word "so" in many ways. All of us have many different ways of using it. This is the first time I listen to someone talk about that word and it is very interesting. When using the word "so" in the beginning on the sentence for me it is when you are changing the subject. Like if the topic before didn't really matter. When using the word "so" in the end of a sentence it is basically like asking a question. For example, "Well I can't go to the party because I don't have a ride, so?" Basically you are asking the person to give you a ride. Without actually asking them if they could pick you up, you already asked them to with the word "so". This podcast uses the word "discourse analysis". It is when you view a language as a kind of info structure. The analysis focuses on such little words like the word "so". The word uses a discourse analysis in various types because many of us have a different meaning to it. I know someone who uses the word "so" in everything. My friends and I decided to make a little game out of it. Everytime she would say it we would give her a little pinch. Maybe it was mean, but she used it like in everything and sometimes it didn't even make sense. After that she just used it where it would fit and not just use it in everything.

jazmin alanis said

at 4:44 pm on May 2, 2012

"When Nouns Grow Geniatals" Wow kind of a interesting argument between the argument and how we should go ahead and give the feminine and male wording. they actually go ahead and talk about how we may just see a table and we say oh is a table but really who actually came up with it. Also it talks about how Gender of eash is learned separeteyly and by hand, dogs are male cats are female,every noun does have a gender, and all is learn by heart. surprising how in german a cat is male, when it comes to a body, mouth, fingers, and feet are male; in german breasts, nose ,lips and hands are female, and chin, legs are neutral.
Example spanish la mesa is femine in german the table is male. One last point was the one russina painters started lokin at sin pictures german confused and they would paint it as a women but is a man. In other words as one said no once wil actually have a perfect way of speaking ther are acutal either way it goes it will never be said wherete is a male of feminie word because we all know what is called.

TessClark said

at 6:39 pm on May 2, 2012

"The Story of Ain't"
I chose this story to listen to, because "ain't" is a part of my normal vocabulary. It flows out of my mouth almost naturally.
From the get-go, this is much more interesting than the original story "When Nouns Grew Genitals," which I found to be extremely boring.
This podcast, starts out with peaking my attention with the onset of a 'shitstorm.' It goes on to speak of the Miriam Webster Company, and the different editions of the Webster Dictionaries. The way that Webster's 2nd, was THE dictionary you HAD to have in your home, however, as thourough as it was, it left out a lot that was considered important to the decades it served. The word AIN'T as per Webster's 2nd, forthrightly tells you it is illeterate and dialectel. I tend to agree that it is extremely dialectel, however, I don't find it to be illeterate, moreso, just laziness amongst a certain culture of people.

williamnewton said

at 9:33 pm on May 2, 2012

"when nouns grow nuts" your right tess this was kind of boring. I think it was boring to me because of the fact that the only language I do speak is English and in the places I have been and have gone to school I have never thought of a table or other objects as being male or female. My first experience with this was when I took spanish in high school I failed by the way I struggle with my own language. It always through me off with different objects being male or female. This was really the only point I could follow in the whole piece that some languages give nouns masculine or feminine title.

Eduardo Mendoza said

at 6:43 pm on May 4, 2012

"A Bundle of Faggots" They talk about how the word "faggot" was in earlier days acceptable is no longer tolerable. They also in the beginning ask for peoples opinion whether the word "faggot" is a cool word to call people. The word "Faggot" has been used a lot now a days through out the famous society For Example artists,NBA players,etc....In my opinion even though the word "faggot" sounds not so offensive is not something you wanna call anyone.

Jesse Lopez said

at 11:50 pm on May 6, 2012

" A Bundle of Faggots" caught my attention because me myself am not a huge fan of the word, I cant stand it. So I decided to take a listen into what they had to say about the word. The use and the intention for "faggot" has sort of evolved into an offensive phrase that stereotypes "gay men", well that is how I see it being used. I would have never thought the meaning of "faggot" was adapted for a bundle of sticks; which makes it not so bad and would have made sense if I were in that era, but in this generation its always going to mean the offensive and I'm sure in due time the meaning will just fly over our heads and will begin to just not have much of an impact since almost everyone has a different view and use of "faggot" due to place and right timing. Even with that little history lesson I still will not tolerate it, or find any usage of the word.

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