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Visual Analysis

Page history last edited by Adrian Ordonez 12 years, 5 months ago

You will write an essay analyzing the use of rhetorical strategies within a text with images related to your discourse community.  You will provide an objective analysis of the strengths and weaknesses in the author’s use of ethos, logos, and pathos within his or her argument(s).


04.20: Peer Workshop

In small group, read and respond to your peers' paper drafts.

  • Review Peer Review Norms
  • For today's workshop:
    • Congregate into groups of three students per group 
    • Rotate papers
      • Read over your peer's paper. 
      • Read again, this time checking for organization. Use the format listed below. If a section is missing, make a marginal note to indicate what the writer needs to add. If a section is included, but is perhaps incomplete, indicate as much. 
    • Rotate papers again
      • Read over your peer's paper. 
      • Using your highlighter, indicate three distinct writing instances that you found particularly effective. 
    • Return papers to their original writers.
      • As a small group, discuss what each writer did well, and what each writer needed to improve.
      • Take notes on your own paper regarding what you need to revise and improve.
  • Select a self-editing technique that you can apply to your late draft.


04.18: Draft

Use the following outline points, which are based on Barthes's essay, to begin drafting your analytic essay.

  • Provide a description of your visual.
  • What is the first message, or main point of the visual?
  • What is the linguistic message, and what does it mean?
  • What is the pure image, and what does it mean?
  • What are the sign, signified, and signifier in the image?
  • What cultural knowledge is required to understand the whole message? 
  • What are the coded iconic and non-coded iconic messages?
  • What are the denoted and connoted meanings? 


04.16: Research

  • Find a text-based, multimodal discursive artifact related to your discourse community. 
    • Depending upon your discourse community, this may take some time to find. 
    • Advert
    • Poster
    • Brochure
    • Coupons
    • Image of the t-shirt
    • Some sort of printed thing 
  • Read and take notes on a preliminary analysis of your artifact.
  • Bring the artifact and your notes with you to our next class on Monday, April 16. 

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